
· johanv's blog


yay! the script was easier to write than i expected (to clone my existing blog to prose.sh and fix relative links)

basically, i just have to replace anything that looks like [ATinyGame](/ATinyGame) with [ATinyGame](https://johanv.net/ATinyGame/)

i do this by finding the ](/ part, which is between the link text and the URL of the original

then i replace it with ](https://johanv.net/, which preserves both the link text and the rest of the URL

repeat this for all files in the blog directory, putting the output in the prose.sh directory

# entire script

 6for file in $IN/*.md; do
 7  echo "cat $file | sed 's,](/,]('$BASEURL',g' > $OUT/`basename $file`"
 8  cat $file | sed 's,](/,]('$BASEURL',g' > $OUT/`basename $file`
11scp $OUT/*.md prose.sh:/
12scp $OUT/_styles.css prose.sh:/

now all the links on here are fixed :] and all i have to do when i change something on my site is rerun that script which also uploads the posts to prose.sh

note: this post (and this one and this one) are only on prose.sh, which i did by editing them directly in the output folder, so i have to make sure not to delete that folder and regenerate it, or these will be missing

update: made the script better