Sabbath Podcast: Rethink the Cycle of Work and Rest

· johanv's blog

My friend recently recommended a series on the sabbath from the Bridgetown Audio Podcast which I have been listening to for the past few weeks and trying to put into practice. Even so far it has been very helpful in improving my mental and spiritual health, and as a result of this I am able to function better on the other 6 days of the week. (Reduced stress can lengthen your life, so I am getting the time back too. :) To paraphrase the first episode, when I face a challenge in the week, I know I can overcome it because I have been refueled by the previous sabbath, and I have the next sabbath to look forward to.

I'm putting the links to all the episodes here to have them in one place that is easy to share. You can listen from the web page, or download the mp3 file. Hope you find it helpful!