Linux: Remap Right Alt & Ctrl to Home & End (and Caps to Ctrl)

· johanv's blog

I recently got a framework laptop and I have been customizing it, including changing the touchpad swipe gestures and the keyboard layout. I couldn't find an easy guide on how to re-map the right Alt and Ctrl keys to Home and End, so once I figured it out I decided I'd post it here. I also map Caps Lock to Ctrl, so I have included an optional step here to do that as well.

keyboard with remapped keys labelled

# Update 2022-09-23

There's now a tool to remap keys in the framework laptop's firmware

Installing on arch-based linux systems:

1yay -S fw-ectool-git

To remap the keys

1sudo ectool raw 0x3E0C d1,d1,b0,b3,w6C #RAlt -> Home
2sudo ectool raw 0x3E0C d1,d1,b0,bc,w69 #RCtrl -> End
3sudo ectool raw 0x3E0C d1,d1,b4,b4,w14 #Caps Lock -> Ctrl

To put Caps Lock back to it's original state:

1sudo ectool raw 0x3E0C d1,d1,b4,b4,w58 #Caps Lock -> back to Caps Lock

# The Old Way

Note: this only works on X11, not Wayland.

Create a file in your home folder called ".Xmodmap" nano ~/.Xmodmap

Put the following as the file's contents:

clear control
clear mod1

! right alt becomes home
keycode 108 = Home Home Home Home

! right ctrl becomes end
keycode 105 = End End End End

add control = Control_L
add mod1 = Alt_L Meta_L

If you also want to map Caps Lock to Ctrl, use these contents instead:

clear lock
clear control
clear mod1

! caps lock becomes right control
keycode 66  = Control_R

! right alt becomes home
keycode 108 = Home Home Home Home

! right ctrl becomes end
keycode 105 = End End End End

add control = Control_L Control_R
add mod1 = Alt_L Meta_L

Reload the keyboard mapping: xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap